2010 NPS Park ranking

Half Dome – Yosemite Musing

To get or give permits, Click HERE.

** Put your contact info on the request. **

     I was recently asked what the monthly attendance at the park was over the course of 2010. I was able to dig out the following.  As you might guess, there is a giant bell curve with the peak in August. (Much of Europe shuts down for vacation in August.) The numbers show visitors to Yosemite coming in through all gates as counted by the gate rangers. Subterranean tunnel access is not included. This supports my contention that June is the best month to hike Half Dome – the cables will be up, less chance of lightning, big waterfalls, longer days and less crowds. I hope you got your permits.

Jan    96K

Feb  100K

Mar  159K

Apr   224K

May  384K

Jun   521K

Jull   643K

Aug  660K

Sep  520K

Oct  356K

Nov 148K

Dec  98K

Total  3,901,408

     Remember, the Merced River Plan (now in development) will document a discrete number of humans who may enter the park on a given day to protect the Wild and Scenic River, the Merced.

Unrelated thought worth quoting: People from a planet without flowers would think we must be mad with joy the whole time to have such things about us.” –  Iris Murdoch

*MrHalfDome – Rick Deutsch – www.HikeHalfDome.com

5 Responses to “2010 NPS Park ranking”

  1. Dean Says:

    Now that is surprising…my 2 visits have been at the end of August and I felt the park was quiet.

    Maybe most of those visitors are day trippers?

  2. Bob S Says:

    Thank you, I hope to look at a visit next Janurary based on your report.

  3. Kathy Says:

    Bob, Yosemite is very different, but very beautiful in January. Winter wonderland. Not a crowded. You are able to actually get some space and can see things you are able to when it is busier. Depending on what the weather does will determine what you do with your trip. Of course Half Dome is one thing you will need to let go of if you visit in Winter. Enjoy your winter season visit to Yose NP

  4. melissa both Says:

    please take me off the blog. mboth23@hotmail.com

  5. Alex Markoff Says:

    Hi! Searching for one July 25 permit! Have two July 27 permits to trade for it if needed.Thank you for consideration.
    Email: Markoff.alex@gmail.com

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